Stress affects the whole body and contributes to all health conditions, and in some situations, it's the primary cause to why someone’s not feeling well.

Simply go though these symptoms of stress, counting how many you currently or regularly (once a week or more) experience
Muscle tension or pain
Chest pain
Change in sex drive
Stomach upset
Sleep problems
Memory problems
Aches and pains
Nausea, dizziness
Frequent colds
Lack of motivation or focus
Irritability or anger
Sadness or depression
Inability to concentrate
Poor judgment
Seeing only the negative
Anxious or racing thoughts
Constant worrying
Feeling overwhelming
Overeating or under eating
Angry outbursts
Drug or alcohol abuse
Tobacco use
Social withdrawal
Agitation, inability to relax
RESULTS: How many symptoms of stress do you regularly experience?
0-5 Low to periodic stress or your symptoms may be caused by another condition.
6 - 12 Moderate to high stress - stress is likely contributing to your health conditions.
13-27 High to chronic stress - stress is a real problem for you.
If you fall into either the moderate/high or high/chronic stress zones it’s time for you to take steps to reduce stress. In some cases, a person will find a healthful balance just by reducing stress levels.
Refer to the Anxiety and Stress page for guidance on how to reduce stress or contact Hannah at 0474 728 723 to make an appointment.