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5 Steps to Recovering From Adrenal Fatigue

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

Fatigue and low energy are essentially the same thing however, low energy is something that comes and goes where as fatigue tends to hang around for days, weeks or even years (often referred to as burnout, chronic fatigue or adrenal fatigue).

The most simple way to look at fatigue is that it's an indicator that something is not right in the body, the trick is working out what’s causing it. Below are 5 Tips for improving energy and overcoming adrenal fatigue.

1.Ensure you're staying hydrated

Hydration is the first thing to check when you’re feeling tired. When dehydration occurs, the blood becomes more viscous, this results in it not being able to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells - this impacts on energy levels.

2. Eat a wholefood diet

Your body makes energy from the foods you eat. If you are eating fresh, alive, non-processed foods this aids energy production. However, if you are eating dead, processed, packaged, synthetically flavoured, high sugar foods your body will struggle to make energy. You will notice you feel tired straight after eating processed foods.

3. Reduce stress and take time out

Ongoing stress can significantly compromise energy production; this is the primary cause of adrenal fatigue. Your adrenals are part of the endocrine system (hormone producing). Their health plays a large role in the amount of energy that's produced by your body, and whether you can relax and sleep well at night.

4. Improve sleep quality

Sleep is when the body repairs, rejuvenates and heals, so if you have adrenal fatigue or are feeling tired you need to make sleep and rest a priority.

5. Exercise regularly

A healthy amount of exercise increases energy levels, attention span and mood. However, not enough or too much and you get the opposite effect.

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