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Writer's pictureHannah Moore

From Stuck to Thriving: The 5 Levels of Health Awareness

Let's get real…health is not always the first thing on our minds. But as life goes on, things often start to shift, and you begin to realise that feeling good in your body is just not a stroke of luck. That is where the Health Awareness Scale comes in - it's a simple way to understand exactly where you are in your health journey and whats the next step for you.

So let's dive in to the five different levels, and let's see where you might be today!

Level 1: "I'm Just Not Into It"

At this stage, being healthy is not even on the screen. You either have more important things to do with your time, you are just comfortable with no major health concerns or you have health problems but they aren't yet taking a big enough toll to make you do something about them. What I can tell you is this mode of functioning catches up with you in the end as health is not something you just have its something you create and maintain.

What You might be Thinking: "I don't have time to think about health."

How to Move Forward:

Try one small and simple thing, such as drinking a little more water, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. It doesn't have to be big. It does not require that much. At this point, just plant some seeds and grow your awearness.

Level 2: "I Know I Should, But..."

At this stage, you basically know your body needs some extra love, but making changes is still required. Maybe you feel just a little bit more tired lately, aches and pains, moods etc but taking action? Nope. And that's okay - you are already halfway there by realizing something could be better.

What You're Thinking: "I know I need to make some changes, but it's just too much right now.”

How to Move Forward:

Begin to see what is holding you back. Are you afraid you'll fail? Are you overwhelmed at all the options? Writing it down seems to make more sense of it.

Level 3: "I'm Dipping My Toes In"

This is where it starts to get exciting. You're curious about feeling better and you've taken those first steps - maybe cutting back on sugar, taking supplements, or trying out yoga. It's still a bit new and experimental, but you're feeling that spark of possibility. You're on your way!

What You're Thinking: "Okay, I have started to make some changes, but there is still a lot left to figure out."

How to Move Forward:

Celebrate your success! Seriously, even if you've just swapped one unhealthy snack for a better one, give yourself some credit. Consider reaching out to a naturopath who can help learn the right ways of doing things with out all the tiral and error, saving you heeeeaps of time, energy and money.

Level 4 : "I'm Committed, but Still Learning"

You're officially in the groove! You're creating healthy habits on a daily basis, and you're feeling the benefits. You know there's still room to grow at this level. All you need to do now is be consistent in what works best for you.

What You're Thinking: "I'm doing pretty good, but I know there's more to learn."

How to Move Forward:

Keep trying new ways to fine tune your health. Perhaps it's a new workout or deeper into mindfulness practices. You're ever-changing! A naturopath can really help you when you are here as your so open and ready to go!!

Level 5: "This Is Just Who I Am"

It is instinctive to be healthy at this level like breathing. You no longer need to consciously make good choices because they're just part of your life. You're in balance, you're energised, and you're living - the struggle to BE healthy is over are you naturally ARE healthy. Here the main thing to do is remember to enjoy life not to get to obsessed and also becareful who you hangout with as they will inffluene you for better or worse.

What You're Thinking: "Being healthy is just a part of who I am"

How to Move Forward:

Share your story! Share what you learn, continuing to find joy in your healthy lifestyle.

When I have clients at this levels they jsut come in every 6 months or so to have a check up and make sure noting is starting to get out of wack.

Whichever part of this health journey you may be in, just know that it's all part of the process. We are all in different stages, and that is perfectly okay. It is not about perfection; it is about progress. So, take small steps, cut yourself some slack, and know that with every choice you make toward better health, you win.

Where do you see yourself on the Health Awareness Scale?

xx Hannah

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